My son is the cutest. The other day he came to me with a “book” he had written. On his own initiative, he wrote the book, went down to my office and made a copy for me. He is 7. The book is called “Notee Bear” (that’s Naughty Bear if you didn’t catch it). Below I’ve put the “book” in its true form and then I will translate it for you…
Notee Bear bey Kole
Ons a penutime, Notee Bear was walking throo t hoods. He throo a litl brdout uv the woods and that was vary notee. His mommy was var mad at him. She sed, “notee! Bear! You are growndid fru watching teluvishin and Wii gams for a munth!”
Now here is the translation:
Naughty Bear by Kole
Once upon a time, Naughty Bear was walking through the woods. He threw a little bird out of the woods and that was very naughty. His Mommy was very mad at him. She said, “Naughty Bear! You are grounded from watching television and Wii games for a month!”
Kids come up with the cutest things don’t they? The part that cracked me up the most is that he made a copy for me.
You have any stories from kids in your life that you would like to share?