Your capacity to recognize when to pause may be more valuable than knowing when to push.
Lately, I haven’t had anything to write, which is a rare occurrence.
Sure, I could try to pound something out or pull some unused content out of the archives (which I have tons of), but here’s what I’ve discovered:
If it doesn’t move me it’s not going to move you.
This isn’t just a theory, it’s a truth I’ve lived.
If I’m honest, that’s what the last three months or so of blogs and email newsletters have felt like. And judging by the declining open rates for my newsletter, you’re feeling the same way.
So, rather than “powering through,” I’m going to take some time to reevaluate things. In the meantime, I’ll write when I feel I have something genuinely helpful to share.
From the book I’m currently working on (more on that at a later time), to re-tuning my business, (take a look at my new coaching page here), I’m expending a ton of creative energy right now.
Some might disagree with this direction because professionals ‘show up’ and do the work, right? “Chop wood and carry water,” they say. I agree, and I am doing that. I’m just doing it in other areas. It’s not that this blog and weekly email are unimportant. I’ve just learned to embrace my limits rather than fight them. This isn’t weakness—it’s wisdom.
“Chop wood and carry water” is a good maxim but it’s not an absolute.
There is also value to energy management. After all, you can’t give out of an empty tank. This is why the stewardess on the airplane tells you to secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.
It’s impossible to help others if you can’t breathe.
Honoring Your Creative Rhythms
Just to be clear, I’m not burned out or in a bad place. I’m just creatively tapped out, and I refuse to serve you diluted content when you deserve my best.
The greatest catalyst often comes not from constant action, but from intentional pause. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is step back, refill, and return with renewed clarity.
Where in your life or business are you forcing output when you might benefit from a strategic pause?
Identify one recurring task that feels like a grind and pause it for two weeks. Schedule time instead to explore what would make it meaningful again. If you can’t do that because it’s a core part of your role, try taking a couple of hours in an inspirational spot with just you and a notebook to reimagine it. Or get together with a few other creative people to brainstorm. By the way, I’ve already tried the first idea, and I may try the second.
Until next time,
*Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash
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