Recently, I was reading another pastors blog about his motives for blogging. In this particular post, the person shared that he had to stop blogging because he didn’t feel his motivation was pure. Some of it (20%) was for self gain and promotion; to boast about the success they were having as a church. I appreciated the honesty although I still think it’s better to acknowledge our motives (that’s self-realization) and ask God to purify them so we can press on.
Here are the reasons why I blog:
- I enjoy writing. It’s an outlet for me.
- I feel called to write. Blogging acts as a seed bed for future writing. As we speak, I am in the process of going through the first edit of my first book. It’s called, The Transition – Successfully Moving from High School to College and Beyond.
- I want to help people any way I can by sharing the things I have learned.
If blogging or writing ever stops being about those things, I usually stop for a season as I have in the past. Furthermore, if it ever interferes with my primary callings to be a son (relationship with God), a husband (relationship with my wife), a father (relationship with my children), or a pastor (relationship with my church); I will let it go for a season until I feel confident that I have a good handle on my primary callings.
It’s that simple.
How about you? Do you like to write and if so, why?
I like to blog because it allows me to share what God is doing! We serve a God who is alive, active and working – Jesus is transforming the world around us every day and I enjoy having an outlet to share the joy of my small part in the Kingdom.