Quite some time ago, I was reading a book by John Eldridge called, Waking the Dead. God really used it to speak to me. In the book, he encourages readers to ask God these questions, “What is my real name?” and “Who am I to You, God?”
What you are really asking God is this, What is Your opinion of me? Who have You created me to be? How do You view me? These are crucial questions we all must grapple with. Fathers establish identity and God wants to give you an identity, just like he spoke over Jesus when He said, “This is my Son, whom I love; in Him I’m well pleased” (see Matthew 3:17). First and foremost, as followers of Jesus, we are sons and daughters. But there are other things about us that God wants to establish as well. Ways He has created us and things He wants to do through us.
When I asked God those questions I stated earlier, here is what He said to me, “You are My Elijah.” It fit in perfectly with the calling he had spoken over me a few years earlier when He said, “Remember the name Elijah. Like Elijah, you will do great and mighty things for Me, but you will raise up many Elisha’s who go on to do greater things than you.”
I recently asked my eight year old son to ask God these same questions. Here is what he said God spoke to him,“He said I am His little Daniel and little David. Daniel because Daniel liked to pray and I like to pray. David because He was brave and I am brave. He killed the lion, the bear and Goliath.”
Wow! I love when my kids say and believe what God says about them! I went on to tell him David (which is my son’s middle name) was a worshiping warrior. He is reading through the Psalms in the morning. When I told him that David wrote many of the Psalms and that they were originally songs, he said, “I know, lots of them say they were Psalms of David and that they were for the director of music.”My son recently played guitar and sang for the first time with our worship team. It was precious.
Take Action
Obviously, I am a proud Daddy, but I also want you to take a time of prayer and ask God those questions as well;
Who am I to You, God? What is my real name? Who do You say that I am? Then share what He speaks to you!
I really enjoyed this blog post. How powerful it is to ask God who we are to Him. I especially like what God told Kole He was – wow!
I believe God is telling me that I am an Ezra…