Have you ever felt stuck? Like you were wandering in the wilderness, or going around the same mountain over and over? After leaving Egypt, the children of Israel were stuck in the same wilderness for 40 years. Although it was supposed to be a two-week journey to the Promised Land, their disobedience forced them to wander forty years. Forty years! All because God said the land was theirs, but ten out of the twelve spies sent to scout out the land let fear get the best of them and gave a bad report to the rest of Israel.
Maybe you feel stuck right now. Sometimes disobedience is the reason, and other times God is preparing you for an assignment that is bigger than you know. Remember, Abraham waited 25 years for his son, Isaac. David was anointed as the next king around age 15 or 16 but didn’t take office until he was 30 years old. Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness tending sheep before leading Israel out of Egypt. Joseph was a slave and prisoner for years before rising to prominence in Egypt.
I’m going to do something different this month. I want to share a song I recently wrote. I say recently but it’s been culminating for years. It’s a crude recording, but I hope it’s a blessing to you.
It all started a few months back when the Lord gave me this phrase,
Things are turning around, the wind is blowing
God is moving again, and we are going, yes we are growing.
Though I won’t elaborate on everything, I will say this, the past eight years have been hard. It has often felt like we are moving against a stiff headwind. But things are changing. Something feels different, spiritually speaking. Maybe you sense it too? Not much has changed outwardly, but in a spiritual sense, the wind has shifted. Instead of moving against the wind, I can finally feel the wind at my back.
Moving Forward
Maybe you feel like you are stuck going around the same mountain over and over. If it’s due to disobedience, before you start singing and declaring, turning around involves repentance – turning toward God and away from sin – a change of heart, a change of mind, and a change of direction. If you feel stuck because God is building character for your assignment, and you’re in the wilderness, begin to sing and declare this phrase over your life and your situation. And remember, faith always speaks and acts before the eyes can see.
“Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth! Break into loud and joyful song, O Jerusalem, you who have never been in labor. For the desolate woman now has more children than the woman who lives with her husband,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 54:1 NLT)
I hope you will take this Scripture, this phrase, and indeed this song, and begin to declare it over your life and your situation.
Enjoy =).
PS – You may also enjoy this sermon I preached called, Things Are Turning Around – Moving from Barrenness to Fruitfulness
- Find it on the Journey website
- Find it on iTunes
Absolutely, Kent. I feel the wind at your back and Jesus in your heart!!!