So much of what we do in life and ministry is focused on others causing us to sometimes lose sight of our own well being.

If we are going to be effective at ministering to other people, we must first learn to care for ourselves. This may sound self-focused or self-serving, but I assure you it’s not. Think of how many times Jesus drew away by Himself to share life with His Father and be empowered by the Spirit. As leadership expert John Maxwell once said, “To lead others, you must first lead yourself.”
If we are not careful, our lives can get out of alignment. If you worry a lot, feel anxious, are down and depressed, and you are not sleeping well, chances are your life is out of alignment with your Creator.
It’s time to go back to the Source.
Something is off, but how do we escape the rat-race that leads to burnout? How do we get our lives aligned again?
Stretched Thin
I’m a firm believer in observing a Sabbath day. In fact, whenever I violate this principle in an ongoing way, “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” This is what Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) said after years of carrying the evil ring of power for years. He goes on to suggest that he is in need of a holiday (vacation).
May I suggest you need a weekly “holiday?”
What does the God say about this? “On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work” (Genesis 2:2 NLT). When it says God rested, it means He ceased or stopped. Having such a full schedule has caused me to ask the question, can I afford not to take a weekly Sabbath? The obvious answer is no! So years ago, I decided I was going to take a weekly Sabbath no matter what.
Refining the Sabbath
So what does my Sabbath day look like? I enjoy doing things with my wife and kids like taking leisurely walks or going to the park. Sometimes we go on a special outing or have a family day. Other times we just veg out around the house and watch movies in the middle of the day or play games. I don’t check my email, do anything related to my job, or take phone calls unless it’s an emergency (as judged by checking my voicemail – if they don’t leave a voicemail it’s not that important anyway). I try to do things I like and enjoy like puttering in the garage (yes that’s a thing), working on a wood project for fun, fixing things around the house, or playing a round of golf. Although some of these things may seem like work to you, they are life-giving for me! The point is, a Sabbath day should be restful and life-giving.
Taking a Sabbath day once a week will help you to enter His rest on a consistent basis and is a built-in reminder to rest.
Remember, when we practice God’s principles we get God results. You will be better off for taking a weekly Sabbath day. After all, life shouldn’t be all work and no play (or the other way around either). Taking a day of rest will give you space to breathe and be rejuvenated so you can be effective for God, your families, your job, your church and others.
If God Himself rested after His labor, why can’t we?
Not only do His responsibilities greatly outnumber ours, but they are infinitely more important. God didn’t rest because He was tired; He rested to give us an example. It’s a similar principle to tithing. Giving God the first 10% is an act of faith. By doing this, I am saying, God I trust you can do more with 90% than I can do with 100%. The same is true of the Sabbath. If I take one day per week to rest and honor Him, I am trusting He can do more in six days than I can do with seven! It’s a defiant act of faith in a world of busyness and burnout.
If you don’t have a Sabbath day built into your schedule, pick one now and honor it this week! For many of us, Sunday is a great day for this. Worship and serve at your church, and spend the rest of the day with friends and family doing something rejuvenating. But if not Sunday, when? You decide.
If you are married, sit down with your spouse to talk and pray together to determine which day of the week it will be and what it could look like. Determine what things are on and off limits on that day.
And do yourself a favor. Rest.