I’ve been out of the blogging loop for a couple of weeks now so it’s time to get started again! Last week, the family and I went to the Elim Fellowship Leadership Conference. I am ordained as a minister and our church is an affiliate church of Elim Fellowship. They have a rich history worth checking out!
One of our keynote speakers at the leadership conference was Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas. He has an incredible story and life message relating to financial stewardship. More than once, he and his wife have given away everything they owned (house, cars, clothes, bank accounts, retirement accounts, etc…) and each time God has given it all back to them and more. His book called, The Blessed Life chronicles their amazing journey concerning finances. It is well worth the read and presents a godly biblical model of stewardship.
With so many different views and messages on money that are imbalanced (either poverty or hyper prosperity), his testimony and message is very refreshing. It comes from someone who doesn’t just talk about it but lives it and seems to have very pure motives. One of the most memorable things he said was, “We don’t give to receive, we give to give.” This is in the spirit of Genesis 12:2. Here are some of the other main things I got out of his message at the conference:
- God must be first – God CAN’T accept anything but first. That’s why He accepted Abel’s offering but not Cain’s (Genesis 4). The first part (our tithe) is what redeems the rest of our money from the curse and blesses it (Exodus 13:13). First means first: before bills, mortgage, etc…
- Order – You can’t get your life in order until you give the FIRST part to God, and GOD CANNOT BLESS ANYTHING THING THAT’S NOT IN ORDER!
- The tithe – started way before the law in the Garden of Eden when God said, “Touch all you want except this tree. This tree is Mine!” Similarly, God said the tithe is holy and it belongs to him! (Leviticus 27:30)
Robert ended his message by praying for people to impart his anointing for finances and stewardship. Two times their church has been designated the most giving church in America. He was very clear to state that the anointing will not last unless you commit to do three things:
- Pray about every cent you spend
- Be a good steward (one who takes care of what belongs to another)
- Give WHENEVER God asks
I know I was challenged to take a fresh look at our finances. How about you? Are your finances in order? Do you give the FIRST part to God? Do you have a budget? Are you working on becoming debt free?
I was at that same conference and I loved how Robert Morris made everything so tangible. I have known for a long time that blessings flow through us, not just to us but his message was loud and clear. God expects us to be givers. Thank you for your comments. (I only found your blog because I was doing a search for Elim… thinking I need to hear those messages again.) Peggy
Great to connect with you Peggy! Thanks for your comment. If you like the blog, you can sign up via email or reader on the right hand side.