We sponsored our first annual Cambridge Community Easter Egg Hunt yesterday at Dana Park near our home in Cambridge. It was so much fun! What a great way to impact the community. We didn’t know whether to expect 5 or 500 so we just advertised in a 10-15 block radius around the park and on a Cambridge Community Web Board. For those of you that don’t know, Cambridge is very densely populated. Last I checked, it was the fifth most densely populated city in the United States! Our prayer was that God would stretch us but not overwhelm us and that’s exactly what happened! Eighteen faithful people from the Journey signed up to serve (that’s over half of our congregation) and we also recruited the help of YWAM Boston. We figured we needed about 25 volunteers to pull it off successfully. The rough count ended up being between 150-200 people including parents! We had a bounce house (that was the real hit), some simple games, an Easter Egg Hunt for 3 different age groups and some fun giveaways from Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Fire and Ice (a local restaurant) as well as some free family 4 packs of movie passes. It was so much fun! Our main goal: Let the community know we are here, show the love of Christ in a tangible practical way, and give an informal invite to church via an invite card and a mention.
People seemed to be truly blessed and really enjoying themselves. We kept back about 250 fun-filled eggs just in case some little kids didn’t get any in the mad rush. That was wisdom from on high! Several crying kids came back wounded from the hunt without any eggs and a dozen or so people arrived late and missed their hunt!
When it was all said and done we barely had enough. I don’t think we have one egg left out of 2000!
Thank you to Jesus for a safe and fun day. Thank you to all the people from Journey Church who gave of their time, talents and treasures, and thank you to YWAM Boston for your help; not just with this outreach but several others over the past year and a half! We greatly appreciate all of you!
So glad to hear such an awesome report! You are doing an incredible Kent!!! Love you guys!
You guys were a key part of it’s success! Thank you again for your prayers and giving! How did yours go?
After counting the registration forms, there were over 250 kids at the Easter Egg Hunt. Praise God for the lives that were touched by this event!