Now Available in Paperback!
True rest is something that we all desperately need but can’t seem to find – not just physical rest but rest for your soul. In the words of the early church father, Augustine of Hippo, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
Because true rest can only be found in a relationship with God.
Rest Assured answers the question, “How can I learn to live life from a healthy place of contented rest rather than from hurried frustration, exhaustion, busyness, and burnout? Chances are, you’ve been there, or you may be there right now! It’s easy to get there. It’s harder to get out.
There is good news. You don’t need to live that way.
As you step into this seven-day journey, you will learn to establish a rhythm of rest and live from that place of peace, joy, fulfillment, productivity, physical rest, relational health and much more. Here are some things you will learn and practice on your journey:
- Rest is a gift to be received
- How to exchange your burdens for God’s rest
- What Sabbath is and how to implement it into your life
- Living from a place of rest and peace
- Being a life-giving person
- Enjoying stillness and solitude
The timing could not be more present to read this book. The pace we are driven to maintain is strangling our souls. Even before Bishop began the teachings, I texted a friend reminding her that rest is a noun and a verb!
‘Rest Assured’ is a valuable resource focusing on the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to rest in relationship with God.
“Rest is a gift to be received.” It’s easy to read—it’s practical—it’s encouraging—and the author is personally transparent.
It’s not a book that one reads, then puts down and says, “Oh that was good.” No! It’s a Practice! It’s meant for us to intentionally take our time while reading, which is why it would be helpful to have someone walk alongside to read and discuss. Partnering with the Practice of this seven-day journey.
ASHLEY, Researcher
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