The answer to overwhelm isn’t work-life balance…
Burnout is becoming an epidemic in today’s fast-paced world.
Burnout and Overwhelm is real, but it doesn’t have to be your story.
Before I tell you about this program, let’s talk about who this is really for…
Beating burnout is for strivers and high achievers like you. You know you are driven and ambitious. It’s one of your greatest strengths…that can easily become a weakness when you it’s overextended. You have either reached the end of yourself or you’ve grown in self-awareness and realize you need help and accountability.
Whether you’re a:
→ A business owner who is overwhelmed with life and business
→ An entrepreneur working long hours with no end in sight
→ A leader or manager who keeps getting more added to your plate
→ A corporate professional who takes your job seriously and is looking to advance without killing yourself
You’re in the right place!
Beating Burnout will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to achieve sustainable success. You will take back your time, succeed at work, and thrive in your personal life, too.
Here’s the problem…
Experts say that burnout costs businesses approximately 190 billion dollars per year, and that doesn’t even take into account the human cost. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently identified burnout as an “occupational phenomenon” and defined it as “workplace stress left unmanaged.” And Jenn Moss, author of The Burnout Epidemic, says, “85% of the global workforce feel that their well-being has declined” and cites things such as:
- An unsustainable workload
- A lack of control over our time and schedule
- Insufficient rewards for our efforts
- Lacking a supportive community
- Lack of fairness
- Mismatched values and skills
Workplace stress is a significant source of burnout, but it’s not the only cause…
*$100 off for a limited time. Beginning in January/February 2024 (read on for details)
24/7 Culture Is Killing Us
Many of us can relate to Bilbo Baggins from J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic, The Hobbit, when he said,
“I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”
And life can feel like it’s moving at an unsustainable pace considering we can:
- Travel to any place in the world within twenty-four hours
- Scroll social media endlessly comparing ourselves with people’s highlight reels
- Access the news or endless amounts of information 24/7 through the Internet or TV
- Experience decision fatigue from the endless choices and myriads of information bombarding us every day. There are no longer just two to three choices, but hundreds or even thousands if you go online
- Shuttle our kids from one travel league to the next without a day of rest only to start again the next week.
And if we’re honest, many of us are on a collision course with burnout. The World Health Organization didn’t go far enough in its definition of burnout when it said burnout is, “Workplace stress left unmanaged.” Here’s how I define it:
Burnout: A state of Relational, Emotional/mental, Spiritual, or Physical exhaustion and depletion.
Tips, tricks, or hacks won’t solve the problem. We need something more robust.
My Bout with Burnout
I remember the day well. It happened in late 2002 when I was about to leave for a weekend conference.
Instead, I fell on the floor, curled up in a ball, and cried like a baby. I don’t know how long I was in the fetal position, but my guess is a couple of hours.
I had what I think was some form of mini-nervous breakdown. Or maybe it wasn’t so mini. I’m not sure what to call it, but I know it didn’t feel good!
Though I didn’t recognize it at the time, I hadn’t been paying attention to the signs: crippling anxiety, sleepless nights where I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin, and feeling down and depressed consistently (which isn’t something I normally struggle with). It had been happening for months, but I wasn’t self-aware enough to put the pieces together, so, I just kept powering through it.
Until I couldn’t anymore.
There were also other signs of distress. I was fighting with my wife all the time, had an anger problem, and I was just not a very pleasant person to be around.
On top of that, my physical health was far from optimal. I had a full-time job for the health department, but I was also a part-time youth pastor which meant I ate way too much crappy pizza, had no regular exercise regimen, and I was lethargic, overweight, and generally out of shape. I weighed thirty pounds more than I do right now (twenty years later), and I had high triglycerides at age 27.
I was a poster child for burnout.
(Read, listen, or watch the full story of Kent’s burnout)
Why Work-Life Balance Doesn’t Work
When it comes to work-life balance, some people swear by it while others swear at it claiming it doesn’t exist.
Most people who swear by it admit that balance doesn’t mean putting equal but appropriate attention on the most important areas of life.
It’s the right concept but the wrong language.
The word balance means equilibrium. What is the first picture that comes to your mind when you think of balance? Probably a scale with two sides with equal weight to keep it balanced.
The truth is, balance is exhausting and life is not equal.
Think about it. We sleep eight hours a day, work eight hours a day, and have another eight hours (with a few hours thrown in on weekends) to fit in everything else such as: spending time with our loved ones, pursuing hobbies and fun, cultivating friendships, exercising, and community involvement to name a few.
That doesn’t seem like balance to me.
Breakthrough begins with clarity.
Balance is the wrong word.
Balance is exhausting because life is not equal.
Balance is a complicated solution to a complex problem.
Balance doesn’t work.
Human beings are complex. There is no formula, piece of tech, or mathematical solution for burnout.
That’s why I say,
The answer to burnout and overwhelm isn’t work-life balance, it’s integration and wholeness.
A State of Wholeness
Integration comes from the word integrity.
You may be thinking of integrity in terms of purity, blamelessness, or moral character. And while integrity is not less than that, it is more.
Integrity comes from the Latin word, “Integer” and means “Whole, intact, sound, or complete.”
There’s an ancient Hebrew word and concept that encapsulates perfectly what I’m talking about. The word is “Shalom” (pronounced shah-lome).
Shalom is a common Jewish way to say both hello and goodbye, but its meaning is much deeper.
Shalom means complete, all is well, health, prosperity, and peace
It can be used as a noun, adjective, verb, adverb, and interjection. But when used as a verb, Shalom means,
“The actions that lead to a state of wholeness.”
Wholeness is altogether different but more appropriate than balance.
Wholeness is a robust solution to a complex problem.
Wholeness doesn’t imply equality but completeness.
Wholeness acknowledges that there are many important but not equal parts of our lives.
What are those actions that lead to wholeness? I’m glad you asked!
Let’s Beat Burnout & Overwhelm…Together!
Beating Burnout is a twelve-week virtual interactive program designed to help you move toward wholeness instead of striving for a balance that doesn’t exist.
By the end of this program, you will:
- Move from a place of overwhelm toward integration and wholeness
- Identify your key relationships and cultivate them in a deep and meaningful way
- Discover keys to mental and emotional health
- Define your purpose with greater clarity leading to deeper motivation and joy
- Implement a daily and weekly practice to cultivate your faith or philosophy of life
- Increase your work effectiveness and position yourself for greater earning potential
- Find more fulfillment through serving others
- Take one small step toward better physical health
Here Are All the Juicy Details!
The program includes a 75-minute bi-weekly live session (to be recorded if you can’t be there) complete with a short teaching and time for Q & A. In between sessions, there will be a weekly office hour to ask questions and get help as well as a short reading assignment and a simple activation exercise to do on your own time.
Bi-weekly Live Sessions Will Include:
- A 15-30 minute teaching from Kent
- A 30-minute Q & A time with Kent to discuss the teaching and/or the previous week’s activation exercise
- A live coaching session
What will be covered in the Program?
Week 1
– Introduction, get to know each other, setting the tone, short teaching/discussion, details, expectations for success
Week 2 – Relational Rhythms
– Your Inner Circle (spouse, family, and close friends)
– Coaches, Counselors, and Mentors
– Your Community/Tribe
Week 3 – Emotional and Mental Rhythms
– Feelings: the Dashboard of the Soul
– Your Mind and Intellect
– Fun and Hobbies
Week 4 – Spiritual Rhythms (Your Faith or Philosophy of Life)
– Identity and Purpose
– Rest and Sabbath (means to cease or to stop)
– Disciplines and Practices
Week 5 – Tangible Rhythms
– Job and Finances
– Service, Volunteer Work, Mission
– Physical Health (eat, sleep, exercise)
Week 6
– Conclusion
What’s Included in the Program?
- All teaching videos with lifetime access (valued at $997)
- 6 bi-weekly facilitated live group sessions to help you implement what you are learning (valued at $1750)
- Weekly office hours (valued at $1750)
- The Beating Burnout workbook (PDF) and other useful tools and templates, like the Purpose Clarity Guide (valued at $100)
- Private coaching session(s) with Kent (Premium only)
- 1 month of additional email support (Premium only)
That’s a value of nearly $5000!
- Access to a private group for ongoing conversation and interaction
- Peer groups to help you implement what you are learning (for those that want them)
- Lifetime friendships
When Will the Program Start?
The group will begin at the end of January or in early February 2024.
How much does it cost?
Similar programs cost between $1500-3000. Because this is only my second time doing the program, I’m offering it at a discounted price. In return for the under-priced investment, I’m asking you to help me make it better and share a written and video testimonial at the end of the program!
Your Investment:
Buy Now
*There are a limited number of Standard and Premium slots available.
**When you get to the pricing page, you will see three options, choose 1 and set the other quantities at “0”
My Guarantee
These principles and concepts have been time-tested and lived over the last two decades.
I guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your results if you do the work. If you decide the program isn’t what you need, show me the work you have completed in the first 2 weeks and we’ll refund you for the remainder of the class.
I don’t want this to be another training that you don’t complete or that doesn’t change the way you live. This training is for determined people who want to do the hard work because they are bent on achieving sustainable success.
Join Now
Meet Your Coach
I’m Kent Murawski – a coach, author, and speaker who focuses on helping people reach their full potential so that they can leave a lasting impact on the world around them.
I’ve worked in many different leadership capacities ranging from middle leadership to executive roles. Through the years, I have been involved in building teams from diverse groups of people, empowering leaders in diverse settings, developing mission, vision, and strategy for multiple organizations, teaching, and public speaking, raising capital, and leading and/or founding multiple organizations.
When I’m not coaching, writing, or speaking, I love to hang out with my wife and family, find new coffee shops and bookstores, ski, golf, exercise, and saunter.,