The Key to Fulfillment Is Finding the Right Rhythm
The natural world has a cadence and rhythm to it. The waves of the ocean have rhythmic timing. Every day the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The birds migrate from one place to another and back again. The seasons of the year come and go. Crops are planted, grown, and harvested in accordance with the seasons.k
The natural world has a cadence and rhythm to it and so should we!
The question is not whether or not we have rhythms, but whether or not our rhythms serve us.
Life can be overwhelming at times, and as a high-performer with significant responsibility, it’s sometimes hard to know where to put your attention. As Daniel Harkavay said, “Balance is giving not equal but appropriate attention to each of the various categories of life.”
Here are some of the signs of a life out of rhythm:
- You are struggling to balance all your personal and professional responsibilities
- You are constantly putting out fires
- Your life feels like it’s constantly spinning out of control
- Your key relationships feel stressed or starved for attention
- You don’t have a core group of friends or comrades to lean on
- Your physical health is average or poor
- You feel emotionally exhausted and depleted, on the edge of burnout
- Your spiritual practices feel out of alignment
- Your income is great, but you still feel unfulfilled
- Your income is not where you want it to be
- Your life overall feels unfulfilling and unsatisfying
- You constantly dream about doing other things
Many leaders and high performers feel they have to choose between a successful career and personal fulfillment, but I believe you were meant to have both. My core philosophy is this:
True fulfillment and real success come through integration, not achievement.
Work-life integration is possible, but not without the right plan…
Finding Your Rhythm
The picture at the top was taken on the Charles River not far from my home. The sport is called “crew”, and crew is about finding the right partners and the right rhythm.
Finding your base rhythm is everything. We’re looking for a rhythm that is not artificial or robotic, not a certain ratio or a particular number, but something we feel.¹
Life and Leadership are similar to crew. Along with the right rhythm, you need other “rowers” to help you succeed! Many high performers I know feel lonely, overextended, under-rested, inadequate, or incomplete in some way. Some feel like failures. I know because I’ve been there!
Finding a balance between your personal and professional life isn’t a myth, it just takes the right plan, some practice, and a supportive group of people to help you implement it.
Great leaders have healthy rhythms so they can lead with integrity, wholeness, and longevity. Here is what you can expect as you create the right rhythms in life.
- More profitable
- Physically healthy
- More productive
- Relational health
- Intellectually sharp, creative, and stimulated
- More fun
- Spiritually centered
- Greater sense of fulfillment and purpose in your work
- More peace
- More time to serve others
All of these things are possible, but it starts with this reality:
If you can’t lead yourself you can’t lead others.¹
The answer is what I call a Rhythm of Life.
“I had the opportunity to walk with Kent as he developed his natural giftings and became coach-trained. Through that process, I saw firsthand his passion to come alongside the weary and breathe new life into leaders. Kent is a gifted coach; he is invested, wise, empowering, and intuitive. I wholeheartedly recommend him.”
SARAH FULTON, Coach Trainer
My Story of Burnout…
I burned out at just 27 years old. Take this from blog post “Burnout was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
*If you’re interested in individual coaching or having me come speak, click here.
I’ve seen Kent demonstrate remarkable resiliency, tenacious faith, and life-giving leadership. He’s the type of person that shines when the pressure is strongest. I count him as a loyal friend and a go-to partner when I need fresh vision, faith, and next steps. Kent has helped shape strategic decisions and pushed me to develop better rhythms in my own life. He can do the same for you! I recommend him heartily.
DAVID W. HILL, Business Owner and Pastor
What is the Rhythms Mastermind Experience?
I’ve designed the Rhythms Mastermind Experience with high-performing leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, and business people with significant levels of responsibilities. Rhythms is a twelve-week interactive coaching and mastermind experience designed to help you connect with other highly motivated leaders and establish healthy rhythms so you can LEAD for the LONG HAUL.
What is a Mastermind Group?
Here’s how the late Napolean Hill describes the mastermind,
The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.²
One person presents an idea or problem they have in one of their personal rhythms… and then the entire group does a big brainstorm about it. We will encourage and support one another, work and brainstorm together, and help each other achieve find healthy rhythms and reach our goals. In Rhythms, you will find partners that accept you and believe and tap into many years of diverse life and leadership experience through the members of the group.
Mastermind: A group of highly motivated people working to help one another achieve success.
You will be better for yourself and for those around you. Because
When the leader gets better, everyone gets better! (Craig Groeschel)
Core Rhythms
Over the course of the twelve weeks, we will seek to develop healthy rhythms in four core areas: (pull from Rhythms blogs)
- Relational
- Emotional
- Spiritual
- Tangible
Application Deadline
This group is currently closed, but if you are interested, go ahead and fill out the application so you can get in on the next one!
The 3 Most Common Questions People Ask About the Rhythms Mastermind?
Here are some common questions people have about the Rhythms Mastermind Experience:
- How often do we meet?
- What sort of things will we do?
- How much does it cost?
How Often Will We Meet?
Over the course of twelve weeks, we will meet once a week for 90 minutes over Zoom. In addition, each person will have three individual life-coaching sessions over the fourteen-week experience.
*The first cohort will go from ???
What Will We Do?
Weekly Zoom Session:
- Share highs and lows (15 min)
- Short weekly teaching(15 min)
- Engage in discussion and dialogue on our topic for the week (15 min)
- Put two people in the hotseat each week someone in the hot seat to discuss one of their rhythms and have the group bring encouragement, ideas, and solutions (30 min)
- Share one high-leverage activity that we want to be held accountable for (15 min)
*Throughout the week, there will be some activation exercises as well as following up on any personal action steps you’ve created – all with the goal of helping you implement healthy rhythms that will last a lifetime.
Individual Coaching:
Additionally, each person will receive three individual life-coaching sessions to help you grow in an area of life of your choosing. Ideally, it would involve growing in one of our four focus areas. Here’s how coaching is different from other practices:
- Counseling addresses past hurts and feelings to find health
- Teaching gives acquired knowledge to a pupil
- Mentoring is giving advice learned through wisdom and experience
- Coaching comes alongside an individual to help them realize their dreams, goals, and desires. For more on coaching visit my coaching page.
Private Facebook Group
There will also be a private Facebook group so we can encourage one another, collaborate, share resources and stories, and engage in discussion in between meetings.
How much does it cost?
Normally, groups like this would cost you upwards of $2000, but because this is a beta group, I’m offering it at a significantly lower price.
For the first group, I’m offering the course for just $397, $497 or $597,
Think about it. When you add up the flight, hotel, car, food and registration, you would pay more to fly across the country for a 2-3 day leadership conference. Ask yourself,
What would it be worth to you to develop healthy rhythms in the context of supportive relationships that will benefit you, your family, and those you lead for the rest of your life?
This is a one-time introductory offer. Most likely, it will never be this price again.
You can pay it all upfront, or pay a little more if you choose the monthly option ($450 per month for three months or $1350 total).
And I’m only accepting 5 people for this first one! After that, there will be a waitlist.
Here’s What You’ll Get:
- 12 mini teachings to help you develop healthy rhythms (Retail value $1500)
- 12 weekly facilitated group sessions (Retail value $2400)
- 3 individual coaching sessions (Retail value $450)
- Relational support, encouragement, and accountability (Priceless)
- Spiritual, Physical, Relational, and Emotional rhythms that last a lifetime (Priceless)
- Additional books, resources, and teachings (Retail value $1000)
That’s a Total Retail Value of $5350 (not to mention the priceless value)
“I’ve had the privilege of learning from Kent for over 15 years. Wise. God-centered. Creative. Resilient. Those are all words I have watched him model for me and countless others. It’s my pleasure to recommend Kent to you as a thinking partner and leadership coach!”
JOSHUA FINLEY, Speaker, Author, Coach
Who Is Rhythms for?
The Rhythms Mastermind Experience is for growing leaders of integrity and character who desire to live to their full potential and finish well. Whether mid-level, C-suite, or aspiring leaders in business/entrepreneurs, nonprofit/church, government, education, arts and entertainment, media, or family, I want to help you unlock your potential (and the potential of those around you).
Meet Your Coach and Facilitator
I’m Kent Murawski – a leadership coach, speaker, thought-leader, author and pastor who focuses on helping you LEAD for the LONG HAUL. Here’s how I sum up my core philosophy of coaching:
“Coaching is unlocking a persons potential to maximize their growth” (Sir John Whitmore)
I’ve worked in many different leadership capacities ranging from middle leadership to executive roles. Through the years, I have been involved in building teams from diverse groups of people, empowering leaders, developing mission, vision, and strategy, teaching and communicating, raising capital, and I’ve led and/or founded multiple organizations.
In my free time, I love to hang out with my wife and family, drink coffee, ski, golf, exercise, take long walks and eat good food!
Apply Today
Endnotes & Credits
1 – John Maxwell
2 – Charlotte Hollings,
3– Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
*Photo by Christopher Schmidt (rowing) via Flickr